Tuesday, February 6, 2007

February 6, 2006

yes. well today as you may have expected was better than any day of this previous weekend. Unfortunately Peekvid is down. I should have watched boys don't cry while i had the chance. THe lab went okay except for that the damn brominated ethyl benzene mixture wouldn't turn fully white like it was supposed. allways the lingering clumps of orange FARGE!.
and also my friend lynn has an attractive & kindness-exuding persian friend. and now lynn knows that I might like her, and now the persian girl will probably know.
okay, well here i am, oh and i met this jewish girl from the oren days and sari days, her name is Maytal but her you know I mistook her for Noga. and she said she got that a lot. poor girl. she was the quiet one of the two and she seemed very sweet. too bad i cut the conversation short like I usually do, because she looked like she was open to love, and she had the innocent eyes of a lover who hasn't closed herself in yet. that was amazing and i overlooked it, maybe cuz she wasn't as skinny as I would like, what an asshole I've become.
okay now I'm here I gtta put this damn vitasoy away. my heart has been PHYSICALLY hurting all day. i think i shouldn't have danced on the "Devil's Dance Floor" yesterday. It was probably that downbeat songf. Jamie sustained me throughout the day. I always had her and thought she might be right around the bend. I wonder how god is feeling about all this. and how god has planned this strange perversion of my dedication towards something great and big and wonderful.
I was thinking but love is not small, even if it is with just one person... it is a very large something. and even though its not written in history books, it commands the present like no other force. perhaps. ...
Now I will put the nutella back for jamie and the vitasoy and with the hopes that i will meet her and she will see my house tommorrow. Strange? no, practical, trust me. I will get the most work done this way with hope. yes it is not work for work's sake exactly , I don't exaclty love the work, but this just might help me get to that stage.
Can't seem to find my disappearing pantaloons. elusive pair of legs. oh wow I spent 10 minutes looking for the damn pantaloons/pajamas, and i was wearing the foolish things the whole time. Oh dear, i really will need god's help to be a doctor, because I am becoming dangerously stupid.
I watched one of the last episodes of the OC. There has only been one other one now before the season finale on the 27th and that is the Groundhog Day episode. Then I will be ready to watch on the twenty seventh, unless they come with a preseason finale one next week. How sad that i am only catching the tail end of this show and only now getting into it.
Now I should probably rock the C-House. Peace.
Here's a realization, you can not be the beer and surf people. because you never did it for its sake. you learnt surfing for Her sake, not as an end in itself. You did not do it for enjoyment. For god sake, You cannot relax, you cannot handle it or take it easy, you can't slide it in neutral and coast down the highway pretending everything is peachy. you are manic, and drastic and fiercely tearing up everything, including your own well-being. bullshit. that last bit was a little piece of bullshit from Sees. that's right the candy store.
I am going to write a valentine's day card for someone else, Robert to be exact, one of the patients at the Pulmonary Subacute Unit, he wants me to write it to the girl he would have married if he hadn't come down with MS. what a miserable story. gosh, and she's single too. "What a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong.
Can you imagine Neil Armstrong jumping up and down in a zero-g garage somewhere in Nevada saying into a tape recorder "this is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" its sad, but this story is sadder.
Dan's back, i should call him. Okay the most important thing right now is to download the practice tests from either ERES or keeffe's website. arright done deal. now for the print. I will work through every twisted nugget of a problem. I am looking at ana's email address. my little smiling anuki. she's playful and and innocent, that's her draw. she would hold my hand before we crossed a street and laugh at a silly joke and if I behaved a little funny. my little ana kornikovetchka.
it is 10:33 PM and i am in the grips of an arsenic binge. its because I'm getting all these wrong and I am in a bit of despair. like someone pouring a tea kettle of despair into my brain. and so I am turning to the old pseudoremedy. official at 10:36PM. oh well, la-ti-da. won't happen again. what a pile of horseshit i've landed in. I told Thomas at the PSu to think of a happy place. I was speaking in spanish so i couldn't be too descriptive, i told him to think of a place where the ocean was all around and was clear blue, and there were birds flying and singing to him. and things of that nature. and also a cabin where he had laid out some of hte most delicious foods. and had beautiful women serving him. There's something important that i'm missing about what I said. but it allways ends with "tranquilo" (relax) The poor guy is really restless. poor guy? strange that a poor guy like me, can call someone a poor guy.
no, chem is not for me as is seen by these stupid questions that he didn't even teach how to answer. what a great prof. deceptive old mr. Keeffe, holds a dagger under his his plaid shirt, he waits for me behind the podium. that sly old panther. The old Despot(despair) is holding a carnival in my head, so I better write up each problem. freacking first one looks like a godamn fish.

3a, out of what I ask, holy humperdinkle, CH3-aryl-carbonyl-chloride and i want to make a aryl-carbonyl-aryl-chloride... obviously the ch3 is obliterated and the cl on the carbonyl (acyl?) is used to find another aryl. Now the answer says in a stupid yogi bear voice, "just a use benzene and AlCl3, bubu"... now I see that the AlCl3 will take a nice little bite out and take the carbon, leaving a strange benzylic carbocation. this will attract another aryl. I could have predicted all this. and the Cl comes back and restore areomaticity but how does the ch3 dissappear and how does the extra cl appear on the added benzene maybe the carbonyl acts like a metadirector as it should but the gosh darn cl is in the para position. this is all very puzzling.Moving on to number 2. looks like a fish with a big ballsack. same toluene -carbonyl -aryl need to get toluene -ch2-aryl. simply reduction. what can reduce better than H2 over palladium in ether. dang, you don't need to say ether. ... good I got that one right for a change. Lastly Toluene-ch2-aryl into o-bromotoluene-ch2-aryl.... The ch2 is a op director, but the Br is in the Meta position. but you know maybe the Ch3 is stronger than the ch2-aryl combo and so it will be ortho to Ch3, in which case all that is needed is Brominator, not a radical one, Br2 over FeBr3 will do. new problem , new hoops to jump through. Great Keeffe is reaction heavy
i just had a refried bean, pb,season salt medley on oroweat all microwaved, actually pretty good.
okay great keeffe is reaciton heavy... just what i wanted to find out.

tertbutylbenzene+1-chloro-2-methylpropane with AlCl3--->p-ditertbutylbenzene... to make that propane a tert butyl should be simple. The AlCl3 will rip off the Chloro, then there is a rearrangement ...a hydride shif that will make a t like carbocation. this will add like a tert butyl in the para position because the preexisiting tert butyl is an op director. but Keffe wants this will all the dots in all their glory. I'll do it on paper. I mean even the alcl4 creation. NOte: Alcl4 has an overall negative charge. Note2: the hydride shift actually has a transfer of two electrons that goes along with it. (hence the name hydride as opposed to hydrogen or proton). Note3: remember after the addititon, to restore aromaticity the Cl does NOT attack the carbocation but the hydrogen adjacent often where the branch has landed. Note4: since HCl is created note it.
I would not have known that ALL THIS was necessary for this silly problem, let's look at what it asks. write a "stepwise mechanism"... "use curved arrows to track electron pair movement"... " show all bonding changes"... "show all important valence electrons as dots. Note5: what was included as "important electrons were the ones around the Cl-... those were the only ones.
Next portion. How many signals in H NMR spectrum ... relative areas... okay, so bi tert butyl has a LOT of symetry. the 9H's on the right are the same as the 9 on the left, and the 4 from the ring are all identical. so there are 2 types of hydrogen (2 signals)and the area ratio is 4 to 18... or 9 to 2.
Last Portion. How many signals in C NMR...
well there are the methyls (3 on each side) =6
then there are the central carbons =2
then the branch holders =2
then the rest of the ring carbons=4
so a total of 4 different signals. in a ration of 1:1:2:3....actually I don't think the area ratio works for Carbons.

The next one looks rather short and sweet. : 3 dimethylcyclohexanes are present. cis 1,2... cis 1,3 .... cis 1,4... and some data is present. Set 1 has only three values and they all seem to be pretty big shifts, which means the least shielding, the biggest electronegative drawers. will the fac that there is only three makes me feel as if there are only 3 types of hydrogen. well the 1,4 one has ... oh this is C NMR. yes definitely the 2 methyl, the 2 branches and the 4 carbon so a total of three types. 1,3 has
methyls (which don't interact with each other becuse they are separated by a bond), the branch C, the in between C, and the outer by 1 C, and the far point C... so 5 which corresponds to set C.
the 1,2, has
a methyl , the branch, the medium distance, and farthest distance.... hwich is a total of 4, corresponding to set 2

Here is the last problem of the practice test
but ofcourse cyanide at 11:59PM... sweet.
I gotto go to sleep though because tommorrow is early 5:30, and the cyanide and arsenic always take a lot out of me.
okay. gnight dear blog.

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