Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5, 2008

In a late blitzkrieg of information... mainly for the purpose of direction finding.
writing some epic about an eskimo tribe and some guy who must go on a mission to hunt some giant wolves in the northern forrest.. craz mission with two convicts (only volunteers). I just want him to be gnawed at by wolves for justice. A modern sisiphys. Work in the Oswaldo lab is disjointed... i have been taking more advantage of the irreplaceable resources provided me in the facilities of UCLA. I can see that my constant connection with appropriate media in the form of podcasts and ripped audiobooks has provided me with a ready quick access fund of vocabulary. I find that my writing and oftentimes formal speech has become more fluent. My lab-mate Yeesul was acting silly today. We played cards with her deck of Western blot transfer paper strip-deck. Oh a funny accident. today we were measuring distance in a given time for Omid's 7th grade project. We went back and forth in the street in front of his house. we were on the sixth lap in our 3 minute course, when an exasperated mother in a SUV pulled up and started asking for directions, we slowed down to respond but couldn't fully, first I went and said a few words and pointed my hand, and then omid was shufflying behind me and had his chance but eventually both of us deserted the poor women who stood there baffled and bewildered. not to mentioned already lost.
I met Tamara at some Neurosci lecture, she was there to fullfill some requirement. I will see her tommorow also. She has a piercing face, and playful heart. I think she's jewish, she has a jewish nose, i suppose. I don't know.
Odd thing but I think ever since my december trip up north the arsenic took a nasty turn.
In the journal club I have sent emails but no one has responded. In my survey of potential careers, i have lighted upon for biology for its ready factual database of interesting knowledge., ready for manipulation and probing... As well asmedicine for the duty side, the compassionate side of me that feels bad that those around me must suffer so much more terrible slings than I.

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