Tuesday, July 17, 2007

So my counselor said I was running away. Chist. What am I runinng away from? It would seem that whenever I lose an opportunity it is not because I tried and lost it, but b/c I ran away from it. How odd. But does listening to one's heart mean listening to what one wants at a given moment. If that is the case then, It will be that half of my heart is actually my you-know-what.
Today, I braced myself for teh enxcless possability of succeding in going up to any w and asking anything my heart may have desired.
But with possability comes the stifling, the loss of working out upon that possability, regrett.
whatever is the case, or the story, a man in his last resorts, in his last, moments can always afford to do one thing, one thing that even without God, he can do to afford him some sad pathetic and miserable type of happienss, one that my now deceased dog also on many occasions resorted to, and that was the ability to dream. how amazing is the dream. it allows f0r a possability that can never take place to regain at yped of strang lusterful reality. the various things that a man yearns for: a feeling touch, the caring love, the hot passionate you-know all can readilyl be orchestrated, only depending of course upon a man's imagination. Luckily, that's the one thing i hav egod. so I am definitely a dreamer. and wil lcontinue to be a dreamer because it affords me with the most delicious sites, the most fasicnateing and succesful moments, my speech, my script, my life. this is how I earn my living, this is how I ford throught the heaving tide. i know that this dreamscape as the last rung and is a catching one. But only a dream that has the potential to be realized in reality really holds any thick kind of weight. ah hell.

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